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Veterans will need to bring their DD214 document to be eligible to receive services provided at the fair. 


NEW FOR 2020! Benton County Veterans Affairs, Benton County American Legion & Auxiliaries, VFW 8884 & Auxiliary will be hosting a stand down in conjunction with today's event. Space and resources will be devoted to providing supplies and services exclusively to homeless Benton County Veterans, such as food, shelter, clothing, health screenings and VA Social Security benefits counseling. 


Veterans who bring their DD14 document may receive

• Haircut Vouchers plus Gift Cards for meals.

• Blankets, clothing and food (including a sack lunch)
• hygiene Products


A lot of services and information from the Iowa City VA will be accessible including eligibility and enrollment, suicide prevention, tele-health, My Health-E-Vet, Veteran Health Information Exchange (VHIE), Million Veteran Program, physical therapy, Veterans Benefits Administration (VBA),
and representatives from the VA Community Based Outpatient Clinic staff in
Cedar Rapids.

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